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Why not?

If two atoms have the same number of protons, they're the same element. Therefore, unless they're electrically charged, they must have the same number of electrons as well. So the number of electrons in two different elements must be different if the atoms are electrically neutral.

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Across a Periodic Table period, each element has one more electron than the element with a position to its immediate left.

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Q: Why do numbers of electrons change across a period of elements?
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How do the properties of each family of metals change as you move across the table?

As you move across the periodic table the elements gain a proton and an electron at each stage. This makes the nucleus larger each step you take and also increases the number of electrons in the outer shell. The number of electrons in the outer shell affects reactivity, too few and the element is reactive because it wants to lose them to get a full outer shell, too many (but not quite full) and it is reactive because it wants to add electrons to get a full shell.

What is true about the properties of the elements in any one period of the Periodic Table?

All of the elements in any one period of the Periodic Table have the same number of valence electrons.

Does the identity of an uncharged atom change when it becomes an ion?

No. It is still that element with its unique number of protons (atomic number), but the numbers of electrons and protons are no longer equal and it will form an ionic bond with an ion of opposite charge. This will form an ionic compound, whose properties are different from the individual elements of which it is made, but the elements themselves do not change.

How the tendency change to gain electrons from left to right across a period?

Increases on moving left to right

When moving down a group ( family) in the periodic table the number of valence electrons?

When moving down a group, the number of valence electrons do not change. This similarity yields the elements in the same groups to have same chemical properties. For example, elements in group 17 obtain one electron to stabilize as -1 ion.In a group, all the elements have a same number of valence electrons. So their chemical properties are equal. But the physical properties vary.Valence electrons are the electrons in outermost shell.The valence electrons remain same in a group. For example-Group-1 elements have 1 valence electron.

Related questions

How does the numbers of electrons change across a period of elements?

The number of valence electrons for the elements increases across a period, from 1 (group 1) to 8 (group 18).

How do the number of electrons change across the period of elements?

they get more electrons the farther right the get

How does the number of valence electrons for element change across a period?

The number of valence electrons for the elements increases across a period, from 1 (group 1) to 8 (group 18).

Do Atoms have no overall eletric charge?

Elements, as they appear on the Periodic Table, have no net charge. They all have equal numbers of protons (+) and electrons (-). HOWEVER, an atom can gain or lose electrons, which will change its charge, but, again, on the periodic table, they all have 0 charge.

What are two ways in which atoms of different elements are different from one another?

They have different numbers of electrons, protons and neutrons. These small differences can change the element dramatically.

What happens to the properties of elements across any periodic of the table?

Across any period, the properties of elements gradually change. This gradual change is called a periodic trend.

Properties of elements change according to a pattern across the?

Groups of the Periodic Table of Elements.

How does the number of valence electrons change as you go across the 2nd period of the periodic table?

the no. of electrons increses

What is identical in all elements?

In all elements, the number of protons and electrons is the same. Of course, both these numbers change with each element, but the ratio is always 1 to 1. The number of neutrons also changes, but can be the same in a few different elements due to isotopes.

How do the properties of each family of metals change as you move across the table?

As you move across the periodic table the elements gain a proton and an electron at each stage. This makes the nucleus larger each step you take and also increases the number of electrons in the outer shell. The number of electrons in the outer shell affects reactivity, too few and the element is reactive because it wants to lose them to get a full outer shell, too many (but not quite full) and it is reactive because it wants to add electrons to get a full shell.

When the repeating chemical and physical properties of elements change periodically with the elements atomic numbers it is?

The answer to, ' when repeating chemical and physical properties of elements change periodically with the elements' atomic numbers it is called the?'Periodic law, is the answer. PERIODIC LAW !orPeriodicity of the chemical elements properties.

When the repeating chemical and physical properties of elements change periodically with the elements atomic numbers is called?

The answer to, ' when repeating chemical and physical properties of elements change periodically with the elements' atomic numbers it is called the?'Periodic law, is the answer. PERIODIC LAW !orPeriodicity of the chemical elements properties.