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This is caused by ex-osmosis. The slat solution wants to become less concentrated as that is more energetically favorable. It draws the water out of the water-rich cucumber which causes it to shrivel up. The water is following a concentration gradient from low to high.

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11y ago
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12y ago

because the cells in the grape is getting little to no water and their is too much solute (the salt) so it shrivels up like a raisin..hope that helped :)

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13y ago

because the osmosis of high concentration to low concentration causes the cell to "shrivel" or "shrink" from lack of water balance. Simply an extreme affect of a dehydrated body.

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Q: Why does a grape shrivel up when placed in a hypertonic solution of salt?
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I believe that Sprite is actually a hypotonic solution. At first, I believed that it was hypertonic until I conducted an experiment in my Biology class in which grapes were exposed to Sprite and White Grape Juice. The grapes in the White Grape Juice showed to be somewhat isotonic and each grape in Sprite had a visible increase in mass. This was weighed with the same scale and materials were the same. I did three trials and all trials displayed a hypotonic result from Sprite, thus my hypothesis which was that the grapes in Sprite would shrivel up and decrease in mass because Sprite is a hypertonic solution, was not supported by my data. Although the trials were few in number, the end result for each one appeared the same. Therefore, I can conclude that Sprite is in fact a hypotonic solution instead of a hypertonic solution as I had first thought.

What would happen to a grape placed in a bowl with a highly concentrated sugar water?

the grape would shrivel up. This is because the water in the grape would leave it to try to balance out the sugar concentration.

Why does a grape shrivel up when put in a glass of salt water?

Because the solute concentration in the salt water is higher then other solutions, in this case, a grape. the moisture is basically sucked out of the grape and the grape shrivels

What happens when fresh grapes are kept in concentrated sugar solution?

In brief: Plants produce glucose through photosynthesis. Sugar is a form of glucose. Adding sugar water to a plant does, in the short term offer small benefits as the plant is able to absorb small amount of glucose instead of using photosynthesis to produce it. Long term use of sugar water on plants will result in the death of the plant! To much sugar in the soil solution prevents or hampers osmosis, resulting in ineffective water and nutrient uptake by the plant. This results in discolouration, stunting, wilting and eventually death. Damage to the root system can be compounded as sugar offers a very good medium for fungal and bacterial colonies to develop in the soil, which my further damage a weakened root system.

Is grape juice is solution?

yes it is a solution

Fresh grapes are soaked in water for 4-5 hoursThey are then transferred into a salty solution What happens to the fresh grapes when soaked in water?

when the grapes are soaked in water they become hypotonic and absorb water because they have a higher solute concentration than the water therefore the water diffuses into the grape. once moved to the salty solution, the solute concentration will be higher in the salt solution then the grape so then the grape will become hypertonic and water in the grape will diffuse into the solution to try to create homeostasis

Why does a raisin placed in a cup of pure water puff up?

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it is both

Which solution has a gas solute a.) soda water b.) salt water c.) grape juice?

This solution is soda water containing carbon dioxide.

Why a raisin placed in a cup of pure water overnight will puff up with water.?

Because it's a dehydrated GRAPE, maybe?

How long does herbal clean Qcarbo32 grape?

Herbal clean Qcarbo32 grape is a cleaning solution that lasts approximately two weeks in between cleanings. Cleaning more often is a good idea though.