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Orange Juice taste salty after brushing your teeth since an ingredient in the toothpaste blocks our sweeet taste buds leaving us with an awful taste.

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Q: Why does orange juice taste salty if you drink it after brushing your teeth?
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Can you drink the juice from a jar of olives?

Yes ; but the juice is very - very salty .

What is the name of the cocktail made with grapefruit juice and vodka?

The drink is actually called a Greyhound. If salt is added to the rim, it is called a Salty Dog. Vodka and Orange juice is called a Screwdriver and Vodka and Prune juice is called a Pile Driver!

What are the ingredients in a salty dog?

Salty DogVodka, Salt, Grapefruit JuiceGrapefruit juice.

What happens when you mix salt with lemon juice?

Salty lemon juice.

What does the word too mean?

Too can mean "also", "extremely", or "beyond what is desirable":Examples:I would like an orange juice too. (I would also like an orange juice.)You are too funny! (You are extremely funny!)The soup is too salty. (The soup has more salt than is desirable.)

What goes best with orange juice?

Something salty, chips or fries.Orange juice is a refreshing drink, best served very cold or with ice. A sprig of mint or basil goes well as a garnish to all citrus juices.Orange juice is best freshly-squeezed, or can be bought in supermarkets as a fresh product. Avoid juices or orange fruit drinks with added sugar or water, or other additives. Unless very tart, orange juice shouldn't need any sugar added.Plain sparkling mineral water at about one quarter to three quarters juice adds life to the drink without over-diluting it.Dry white wine, sparkling water, orange juice and icemake a delicious drink, maybe topped with a sprig of mint. The same drink using dry red wine, unstirred, has an attractive sunset-effect. Top this one with a sprig of basil; purple basil if you have it.Orange juice is also a popular combination with Champagneor sparkling wine, and also with white spirits such as gin or vodka.The clean, crisp flavor of citrus juices is good accompanied by other fruit, such as strawberries, cherries, grapes, and so on. Seafood, simply cooked, such as shrimps or scallops, can also go well. Have lemon wedges on the side.Chocolate is a classic combination with orange: chocolates or small chocolate biscuits, or good-quality small sweet biscuits or cakes go well with orange juice, or with an orange juice and sparkling wine combination.

Why don't humans drink ocean water?

its because its too salty you wouldn't want to drink salty water would you?

What mixer is in a Salty Dog cocktail?

Grapefruit juice

What happen as salt dissolves in water?

The water will taste salty and not good to drink, ocean water is salty and if you drink too much of it you can die.

What do penguins eat or drink?

Penguins eat fish and drink salty water.

Is brackish water safe to drink?

You can drink brackish water but it is a little salty.

How does a neutralization reaction take place?

When an acid and base are mixed, they react and can neutralize each other. Neutralization is the reaction of an acid and a base to form salt and water. i.e. after drinking orange juice, you brush your teeth. Orange juice is an acid, while toothpaste is a base. The two react to each other when you brush your teeth, making a salty taste in your mouth.