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Q: Why foodstuffs with acid components should not be stored in alluminium or copper utensils?
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Can copper conduct heat?

yes copper can conduct heat. it conducts heat better than alluminium & iron.

Why is copper used to make the base of stainless steel utensils?

Copper is good conductor of heat as compared to stainless steel utensils. So if you have the base of copper, then heat will rapidly and evenly spread across the utensil. But then, why you do not use the utensils made of copper only ? Because, if there is acidic food cooked in copper utensils, the copper salts are formed, witch are poisonous. So we have advantages of both copper and stainless steel. Also it looks good.

The utensils used in Rajasthan are made up of what material?

The utensils which are used in Rajastan are made up of copper and zinc.

Are cooking utensils good conductor?

Yes, cooking utensils are good conductor of heat. In many cases these utensils have copper lining in the bottom to make them better conductors of heat.

What did people sell in Colonial New Jersey?

Iron, Copper, Tobacco, and Foodstuffs; like Maize

What are expensive kitchen utensils made of?

They are made up of metal and copper.

What are the components of coin?

the components of coin are copper and zinc

Can someone point out 5 types of metal to test their conductivity for a science project?

iron, alluminium, copper, lead, zinc, tin,

Copper is a thermal conductor?

Copper is a very goot thermal conductor.The thermal conductivity of copper is 401 W/m.K.This the motivation for the use of copper utensils in the kitchen.

How many uses are there for copper?

there r only 2 uses1. copper is use inn wires.2. it is use for utensils.

Why does old coins attract to a magnet?

Because it have some particles of iron in it,, and also some other metals like alluminium,copper etc.

Is copper a metal that has components?

Copper is a metal, but does it have components? Depends on what you mean by components. It has the same "components" as other elements, such as protons, neutrons and electrons. But it isn't mixed with anything else, as in an alloy.