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Hcl liberates the ions of the salt which enables it to impart colour to flame easily.

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2mo ago

Concentrated hydrochloric acid is used to make a paste of the salt in flame tests because it helps to clean the metal surface by removing impurities and oxides that may interfere with the test. This ensures that the color produced in the flame is mainly due to the metal ions present in the salt, providing a clearer and more accurate result.

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Q: Why in flame tests concentrated hydrochloric acid is used to make the paste of the salt?
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Concentrated HCl is used in flame tests to clean the metal wire loop before dipping it into the sample and to remove any impurities that may interfere with the observation of the flame color produced by the metal ions. Additionally, HCl helps to prevent contamination between different samples being tested on the same wire loop.

When sodium is heated in flame it will give?

a bright yellow flame due to the presence of sodium ions in the flame. This characteristic flame color is used in flame tests to identify the presence of sodium in compounds.

Why do you see colors in the flame tests and why are there different colors for different ions?

In flame tests, atoms or ions are excited to higher energy states by the heat of the flame. When they return to their ground state, they emit photons of light in certain wavelengths, which correspond to specific colors. Different elements or ions have unique electronic configurations, leading to specific energy level transitions and hence, different colors observed in flame tests.

Several of the flame tests were shades of red What should be done in the laboratory to correctly identify one of these ions?

To correctly identify the red flame color, conduct flame tests on known ions with similar flame colors to compare and distinguish the specific ion causing the red flame. Additionally, reference flame color charts or spectra to help identify the ion based on the shade of red observed.

Why do scientists use flame tests?

To Determine the emission spectrum of a sample

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Concentrated HCl is used in flame tests to clean the metal wire loop before dipping it into the sample and to remove any impurities that may interfere with the observation of the flame color produced by the metal ions. Additionally, HCl helps to prevent contamination between different samples being tested on the same wire loop.

What substance turns red in flame tests?

Lithium turns red in flame tests.

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What are the techniques used to analyze inorganic chemicals?

Precipitation tests Flame tests Tests on gases Other ions

When sodium is heated in flame it will give?

a bright yellow flame due to the presence of sodium ions in the flame. This characteristic flame color is used in flame tests to identify the presence of sodium in compounds.

What color is produced by sodium compounds in flame tests?

Yellow-orange flame.

What color does Iron (III) chloride turn in flame test?

Iron (III) chloride does not produce a distinct color flame during a flame test. This compound is typically used more for other chemical tests rather than flame tests for cation identification.

Why can you not use flame tests to identify all the elements?

1. not all elements give colour to the flame 2. flame test is not always accurate

What is the flame color of Lead II Nitrate?

Lead compounds tend to be blue in flame tests

How do impurities affect the outcome of the flame tests?

The result can be erroneous.

Which element couse difficulties in flame tests of other elements?

Sodium can cause difficulties in flame tests of other elements because it produces a very bright yellow flame, which can mask or interfere with the colors produced by other elements.

What is the method identifying metal?

there are many tests but flame test, colour and spectroscopy..are the prilimnary tests for identifying metals.