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Q: Why were the lipids miscible in some solvents but not in others?
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Why were lipids miscible in some solvents but not in others?

this site is so bobo pota

Why were the lipids miscible in some solvent but not in others?

this site is so bobo pota

Classification of lipids?

There are several classification that pertain to lipids. Some of these are simple lipids, compound lipids and derived lipids. Lipids are sterols, fats, waxes and fat-soluble vitamins.

Why are lipids soluble in organic solvents like chloroform?

Fats, as well as organic compounds, are nonpolar substances. Water, however, is a polar substance. Nonpolar substances dissolve nonpolar substances and polar substances dissolve polar substances (like dissolves like) because each are more attracted to molecules of similar structure than of different structure.

Is water in oil?

No, most oil is not soluble in water. Oil is hydrophobic, or "water fearing." This goes for all lipids. There are some water miscible oils but they are rare and typically only used in very specialty situations.

Is Oil is soluble in water?

No, most oil is not soluble in water. Oil is hydrophobic, or "water fearing." This goes for all lipids. There are some water miscible oils but they are rare and typically only used in very specialty situations.

What do all lipids having in common?

At least some portion of the molecule is hydrophobic. A+

Are water and methyl alcohol miscible or immiscible?

Alcohols are a family of organic compounds characterized by a hydroxyl group (-OH). There are many different alcohols, and some are miscible in water while others are not. Low molecular weight alcohols having one carbon (methanol), two carbons (ethanol), and three carbons (n-propanol and isopropanol) are miscible in water, as is tert-butanol. Less branched butanols and alcohols having five or more carbons behave more like hydrocarbons and are immiscible in water.

What is the verb form of miscible -- misc?

I learned the hard way that some chemicals are not miscibled. Is this correct, past tense of miscible?

Are all liquids miscible in water?

no some of them are misible while some not

What are another examples of solvent and solute?

Solvents can be used in chromotography (used to separate the colours in a ink of some type): waters ethanol others........

What accounts for the grease spots in lipids?

Some lipids do have grease spots and some lipids do not have grease spots. The lipids that get them typically contain sphingosine or glycerol.