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Mannose is a monosaccharide (an aldose) with the chemical formula C6H12O6.
Being a a monosaccharide mannose react with the Benedict reagent.

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Q: Will mannose produce a positive Benedict's test?
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Will hydrolysed dextrine give positive response to Benedict test?

Yes, it should. Benedicts test will be positive for reducing sugars, and since glucose is such a sugar, and would be a product of dextrin hydrolysis, you should get a positive result with Benedicts reagent.

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Would glucose solution produce a positive Benedicts test?

No, Benedicts reagent will show positive results if the carbohydrate is a reducing sugar. You will know if it is positive if the sample will turn from blue to green then to orange when you are cooling the solution, which is the last step when you are performing the benedicts test for carbohydrates.

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No, surcose is a disaccharide without a hemiacetal group

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What does the Benedict's test measure?

Benedicts solution comprises of solution A(copper sulphate) and solution B(sodium pottasium citrate).chemically it is used as a test for aldehydes or generally carbonyl group.It is used to measure the sugar(allose,glucose,mannose,gullose,indose,galactose,tallose)content in food.-santa

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Why is the Benedict's test is positive when water starch and HCl keep for 30mins?

benedicts test is positive when water starch and HCL keep for 30 mins because glycosidic linkages between amylose and amylopectin breaks and free ends are available to react with Benedict reagent