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Q: A gram of fatty acid can yield how many more times the energy as one gram of glucose?
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Does oxidation of glucose yield more energy than glycogen?

No. The oxidation of glycogen yields more energy than glucose. You need to put energy in formation of the glycogen from glucose. Naturally, this energy is released, when you get get glucose from glycogen.

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Calculate the energy yield of aerobic cellular respiration per glucose molecule?


Approximately what percentage of triglycerides CANNOT be converted to glucose?

triglycerides consist of 3 fatty acids and glycerol. because fatty acids break down to acetyl CoA they cannot be made into glucose. the glycerol portion of a triglyceride can be converted to pyruvate and thus yield glucose. and glycerol is about 5% of a triglyceride molecule. So the answer is 95% of a triglyceride (fatty acid) cannot be converted to glucose.

What are the steps in energy conversion?

Glucose taken into the cell, glucose broken down to yield ATP, ATP used for cellular activities.

How is it that other nutrients can be metabolized to yield ATP?

Apart from glucose you have Fatty acids, Glycerol and Proteins, which enters the Creb's cycle to yeald ATP, after break down.

Why is the energy yield lower when a unsaturated fatty acid has undergone beta oxidation?

Because in the first reaction of beta oxidation of unsaturated fatty acids a trans double bound is formed from cis-double bound by an izomerase without formation of FADH2. Thus the first oxidation step is skiped and hence less energy yield.

What is the relationship between photosynthesis and the cellular respiration?

In Photosynthesis, plants use the sun's energy as light to transform carbon dioxide and water into glucose. In cellular respiration, glucose is ultimately broken down to yield carbon dioxide and water, and the energy from this process is stored as ATP molecules.

1 Total energy yield per glucose in the process of cellular respiration?

About 36 ATP for aerobic cellular respiration.

Does insulin mobilize liver glycogen to yield glucose?

No, insulin stimulates the liver to produce glycogen from glucose. Glucagon mobilizes liver glycogen to yield glucose.

Compare the energy storage in photosynthesis to the energy storage in cellular respiration?

Photosynthesis is the process of converting light energy to chemical energy and storing it in the bonds of sugar. Cellular respiration is the process in which an organism breaks down fuel to capture energy in a usable form (ATP). So, the two processes cannot really be compared with respect to energy storage. Photosynthesis is an anabolic process (synthesis of glucose) while respiration is the catabolism of glucose to release the chemical bond energy of the glucose into an usable form (ATP).

What does maltose yield when digested?

Lactose and Glucose