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It is attributed to two reasons: 1. Strength of concrete grows faster in initial days and this process of gaining strength slow down with time. This can be said as stabilization in value of gained strength of concrete. After approximately 20 or some more days, strength value get stabilize and does not change too much with time. Therefore, compressive strength is taken after approximatley 3 weeks time. 2. These tests have to performed practically and date record is needed to be maintained. Therefore, if test duration is a multiple of 7 (7 weekdays) then it is more easy to remind. It is the reason we have 28=7x4 days to note down compressive strength of concrete. for ex: if we start test on monday then we know that after 4 weeks on same time on monday we can finish the compressive strength test.

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13y ago

After 28 days concrete does not gain a considerable amount of strength. Concrete always strengthens with age, but at 28 days it has gained the majority of its strength.

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Q: Why is the 28-days compressive strength of concrete generally specified?
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Compressive strength of concrete is defined as the concrete cube of 150 mm x 150 mm x 150 mm with specified proportion with 28 days curing.Target mean strength - In order that not more than the specified proportion of test results are likely to fall below the characteristic strength, the concrete mix has to be designed for a somewhat higher target average compressive strength (fck).__fck = fck + t * swhere ___fck is target average compressive strength at 28 days,fck is a characteristic compressive strength at 28 days ands standard deviationt a statistic, depending upon the accepted proportion of low results and the number of tests.

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Concrete's capacity to withstand compressive forces is an illustration of compressive strength. A concrete structure, like a column or a beam, experiences pressure when it is subjected to a load. Concrete's capacity to withstand this pressure without breaking or deforming is measured by its compressive strength. For instance, structural concrete must have a compressive strength of at least 25 megapascals (MPa), which indicates that it can withstand significant compression without breaking. In determining the structural integrity and durability of various building materials, compressive strength is a crucial factor.

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