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in 1985 there were 250, 500, and 1000 peso denomination gold coins, but no 100 .. and nothing related to Carranza ... if you meant the 1959 piece, it sells for about $750 in uncirculated condition

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about $750 in uncirculated condition

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Q: 1985 100 Mexican coin v carranza gold?
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What is a v carranza one hundred dollar Mexican gold coin worth in US currency?

In good condition as much as 500 or $600 that

What is a 1985 100 dollar gold Mexican coin worth?

as of February 18, 2012, a 1000 peso Mexican bill from 1985 is worth about 75 cents.

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How much is a Mexican gold coin of 20 pesos and 15 grams of pure gold worth?

The bullion value of the coin would be based on the price of gold. The collectors value could be higher.

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A Mexican gold 2.5 peso's value fluctuates with the market price of gold. This coin has .0608 troy ounces of gold. Multiply that by the market price of gold, currently 1593.90 an ounce, to determine the melt value of this coin. 1593.90x.0608=$96.91.

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What about gold colored 100 1984 1985 coin worth estados unidos mexicanos?

It is a gold coin named Centenario, worth USD$1,244.

Where on the Mexican coins is the silver content?

silver on the outside/ small gold coin inside

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It is not US currency. It's probably a Canadian or English coin.

What is the 1988 gold 100 V Carranza coin value in US?

This aluminum-bronze alloy Mexican 100 Pesos coin features Venustiano Carranza, revolutionary leader and president (1917-20). Due to a 1992 currency reform 1000 old Pesos was converted to one New Peso (~11c U.S.). Collector value of a coin depends on date, mint mark (if any), number minted and condition of a coin, including amount of wear, any dents, scratches or cleaning as well as collector demand for it. There were 227.8 million of these minted in Mexico City that year and it may be worth about .25 to maybe $2 to a collector depending on wear. Brad

What is gold content of 14 carat 50 peso Mexican gold coin?

A bit more than an ounce of gold. You should ask for at least 1,190 dollars.