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Q: Are there any canadian symbols still viable?
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Generally, they're still worth one dollar in Canada, and can be exchanged at face value in any Canadian bank.

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Achilles doesn't have any symbols.

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Yes. They are still a standard in electrical wiring. They ensure that enclosures are free of contamination (up to their NEMA rating) and that any tension put on the cable is not taken up at the connector.

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It's still worth 5 cents Canadian, so any store in Canada will accept it at face value towards payment.

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The Tritare is a Canadian instrument.

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The Tritare is a Canadian instrument.

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How many different symbols for numbers are there?

There is no specific number of symbols that can be used. You can use any letter of any alphabet.

Is there any other symbols of Zeus?

The main symbols of Zeys were the thunderbolt and the eagle.