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Q: Are there collectors in Australia for Olivetti Valentine portable typewriters?
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What was one of the smallest typewriters ever made?

Hermes Baby or Olivetti Lettera 32, easily.

Camillo Olivetti founded his eponymous company in 1908 to make typewriters in Ivrea near what city?


When did people stop using typewriters?

Based on my own experience, people were still using typewriters into the 90's. Not because it was cool, but because computers were still pretty lame and not everyone had one.

What is the value of an olivetti valentine typewriter?

usually a well kept red valentine typewriter is worth around 150-200 euro here in europe but i know in USA they have been sold for as much as 500 usd.

What is the value of an Olivetti lettera 22 typewriter?

If it is a Valentine with the case rubbers intact and made in Barcelona with the little instructions sheets it may be worth as much as $350 US. They are quite keenly sought by collectors now although at the time of manufacture 1969 they were a very slow seller due to the radical design and colour. Olivetti made a second manufacturing run made in Mexico in the 1990's and these also failed to ignite the buyers. A machine truly before it's time... Ray Murray (ex Olivetti Manager) Adelaide SA

What is the population of Olivetti?

Olivetti's population is 2,005.

What is Olivetti's population?

The population of Olivetti is 1,570.

When was Olivetti created?

Olivetti was created in 1908.

Brands of a manual typewriter?

I have been selling typewriters for the last many decades. I have sold and am still selling all brands of portable and standard typewriters. Some of the popular brands particularly in India are : Godrej, Remington, Facit, Brother, Olivetti, Olympia, smith corona, Royal, Underwood etc. contact me -

When did Camillo Olivetti die?

Camillo Olivetti died in 1943.

When was Ariel Olivetti born?

Ariel Olivetti was born in 1967.

When was Olivetti Elea created?

Olivetti Elea was created in 1959.