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Delta Force(Army)

Green Berets(Army)

160th SOAR(A)(Army)

Force Recon(Marines)


STS/PJ's(Air Force)

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Q: How many American special forces groups are there?
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How do you become a Special Forces Officer?

In order to become a Special Forces officer you must be a 1st Lieutenant promotable or a Captain already. Once you have attained either rank, you must volunteer for Special Forces training. The training starts with Phase I SFAS (Special Forces Assessment and Selection) this phase is considered the thoughest one of many. If you get selected, you will continue on to the SFQC (Special Forces Qualification Course) and if you meet the standards for every phase ( a total of 5 phases) you will graduate as a Special Forces Captain and will be assigned to one of the 7 Special Forces Groups where you will have a chance to be the team leader for a SFODA (Special Forces Operational Detachment Alpha)

Were there any Special Forces used on D-Day?

Yes, many different Special Forces were used. British troops were brought in by small submarines many times in the weeks before to assess the beaches. On the day itself, British Commandos and American Rangers were assigned to many of the really hard, well defended targets like special gun emplacements, radio sites, command sites etc. Almost all of the Special Forces achieved their objectives.

How many military forces were there in the battle of d day?

There were many different forces, British, Canadian and American paratroops, British, Canadian And American infantry, British and American Special Forces, British, American and Canadian Armoured units . They were all up against almost twice there number of well dug in Germans, but the German command structure was in disarray. The Germans had tank units that were held back by Hitler himself in case needed elsewhere.

How many women are in Military Special Operations roles?

As actual operators? None. The 160th Special Operations Aviation Regiment is open to females, but Special Forces groups, Ranger Battalions, SEAL teams, etc. are not. The unit may have female personnel assigned to in, but in non-operational roles - for instance, you may see females assigned to Special Forces, but they'll wear the maroon beret, rather than green, and won't wear the Special Forces tab above their patch, because they're not actually SF operators.

Which country has the best special forces?

There is no real answer to the asked question. I have two reasons for saying this: Firstly, because there is no quantative way to measure how "good" a special forces group is, it is impossible to measure these groups against each other. As such, any opinion as to who is the best will be a subjective opinion. Secondly, "special" forces are groups of soldiers within a regular defence force that specialize in certain tasks. Not all special forces specialize in the same tasks. That is why you may have multiple special forces groups within the same defence force. Similarly special forces groups from different countries specialize in different tasks. These might range from irregular maritime warfare, to urban anti-terrorism, to strategic recconnaisance. There are however certain groups in the world that are well known and have a high regard for certain specialities. For example, the British SAS mentioned above has had great success and publicity in urban anti-terrorism operations and general combat. Many non-British military officials say the SAS is the best in the world. The Russian Spetsnaz does more cold-weather training than any other groups. The US Navy Seals have gotten a lot of exposure by Hollywood as the one of the best maritime warfare group in the world, alongside some otehr groups liek the Royal Marines. At the end of the day, all of these stay opinions and are still subjective.

Would lawmakers' activities be different if there were no special interest groups?

Many people think that special interests groups pay and sway lawmaker's decision. So, without special interests groups policies and laws may be handled differently.

Would lawmakers' activities be different if there were no special-interest groups?

Many people think that special interests groups pay and sway lawmaker's decision. So, without special interests groups policies and laws may be handled differently.

Would Lawmakers activities would be different if there were no special-interest groups?

Many people think that special interests groups pay and sway lawmaker's decision. So, without special interests groups policies and laws may be handled differently.

What is the popular name for Special Ops?

The popular name for Special Ops is Special Forces. They are many special forces around the world with some of the most famous being the British SAS, the US Navy Seals and the US Army Delta Force.

How many troops does Germany have today?

they have today about, 500,000 special forces troops

Would lawmakers activities be different there were no special interest groups?

Many people think that special interests groups pay and sway lawmaker's decision. So, without special interests groups policies and laws may be handled differently.

How many Special Forces Groups are there?

A Special Forces Operational Detachment-Alpha consists of 12 men: team commander (usually a captain)team sergeant majortwo weapons sergeantstwo engineer sergeantstwo communications sergeantstwo medical sergeantstwo intelligence sergeants