You have a coin from Switzerland (The Helvetian Confederation, to the Swiss).
Anything that new is almost certainly only worth face value. You didn't state the coin's denomination - an important piece of information - but exchange rates in early 2010 have been in the range of CHF 1 = US$ 0.90
How much an 1883 Confoederatio Helvetica Rappen is worth depends on its condition. The typical value of such a coin is 12 US dollars.
4 dollars
"Confoederatio Helvetica" is the Latin name for Switzerland. Your coin is not unusual and has an exchange value of about $1.10 as of 09/2012
The value of this Swiss coin depends on its circulation condition. It can range in value from 5 dollars to 30 dollars.
It is likely worth a good deal, but that depends on the condition of the coin, and whether or not its authenticity can be proven.
less than a dollar
One of these sold in an internet auction for $12.
You didn't indicate the coin's date, but assuming it's a recent coin you Swiss 5-franc piece only worth its exchange value of about $4.30 U.S.
78,000The value
The year on the Swiss Franc coin says nothing about the value but about the date when the coin was fabricated. Check out the number on the coin to see how much it's worth. You have the smallest piece (5 Rappen) going up to pieces of 10, 20 and 50 Rappen (100 Rappen = 1 Franc) , 1, 2 and 5 Swiss Franc coins.
This is a Swiss coin. Switzerland's official latin name "Confoederatio Helvetica" goes back to a Celtic tribe called the Helvetians. CONFOEDERATIO HELVETICA -SWITZERLAND 10 RAPPEN 1939 - catalog value is about $11 USD.