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Unless it's a proof coin it's just a dollar.

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Q: How much is an Abraham Lincoln US dollar coin worth?
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How much is a 1 dollar coin with Abraham Lincoln on it worth?

The coin is just a dollar spend it.

What is the value of a dollar gold coin with Abraham Lincoln on it?

Unless it is a proof or special coin, it is worth $1.00 USD.It is a Presidential series dollar coin (brass), and the date (2010) can be found on the edge.One dollar.

How much is Abraham Lincoln 1861-1863 Gold One Dollar coin value?

The coin, Abraham Lincoln 1861-1863 Gold One Dollar is valued around $20.

What is a 1922 Abraham Lincoln 24k gold plated uncirculated commemorative 500 dollar coin worth?

$89.00 American Mint.

What is the value of an Abraham Lincoln gold dollar dated 1861 1865?

What is a letter value at that he has signed

What is the value of a 1984 Abraham Lincoln silver dollar?

The US Mint did not issue an Abraham Lincoln silver dollar in 1984. Please examine your coin and then submit a new question giving more information about the coin.

What coins is Abraham Lincoln on?

Lincoln has been on the one cent coin since 1909. Also on the 2010 dollar coin.

1963 Lincoln half dollar value?

There is no such coin. Look at your Lincoln CENTS to see a picture of Abraham Lincoln. Halves minted in 1963 carry a portrait of Ben Franklin. They're worth about $6.

1984 Abraham Lincoln coin?

These were used in advertising gimmicks, attached to an "Astonishing Coincidences" fact card. Without the card, they are worth 50 cents to a dollar. With the card they are worth $2.50 to $3.00 See the related links for more info.

Is president Abraham Lincoln on a dollar or coin?

yes 2009 and 2010 USA coins 2009 Silver 2010 Presidential dollar coin program Manganese-brass

Was Abraham Lincoln the first president to be on a little coin?

Abraham was not the first to get his head on a little coin. But he is a dinosaur.

I am on the us dollar coin who am I?

You know that all depends, I have golden dollars with both Ulysses S. Grant and Abraham Lincoln