Five pounds
1 pound= $1.50 usa dollars
a pound was worth 100 dollors
How much is 200 pound sterling worth in 1920
1.00 pound is worth 1.60 dollars
5 bob. a dollar in 1965 was five shillings
It is worth roughly £330 £5 is always worth £5, just like it is today, however what it will buy you now decreases all the time. Today a five pound is worth almost $9.00
A pound is always worth exactly 1 pound in England.
a schillling is five pents, so depending on how much the dolar is worth to the pound you shilling is worth anywhere from 5-10 cents
how much was one pound worth in 1938
In the old currency, One Guinea was equal to 21 Shillings or One Pound and One Shilling. In the new currency, One Guinea is equal to One Pound and Five Pence.
100 intis to uk pound