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One pre-decimal pound was 20 shillings, one shilling was 12 pence, so one pound was 240 pence.

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One crown was worth 60 pence, or 1/4 of a pound.

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Q: How much was a pound worth in pre decimal pence?
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How much does One Pound worth of 2 Pence coins weigh in grams?

A Two Pence coin weighs 7.12 grams. There are 50 Two Pence coins in a Pound. One Pound worth of Two Pence coins weighs 356 grams.

How much were a shilling and sixpence worth?

Under pre-decimal currency in the UK, a shilling was worth twelve pence, and a sixpence worth six pence. The UK adopted decimal currency in 1971.

How much is a shilling worth in your time?

Before England decimalised the Pound, one shilling was worth one twentieth of a pound or 12 pence. Nowadays shillings aren't used, but it would be worth 5 pence of today's decimalised pound.

How much is half a crown in decimal currency?

It would be worth 12.5 pence.

How much is ten pence worth in dollars?

Ten pence equals 1/10th of a pound, and a pound is currently worth $1.61, so the answer is $0.16. tbh, its about 15cent e.g. £1 to $1.50 u get me ?

How much was fifty pence worth when you still used it?

The 50 Pence coin is still in use. It is equal to half a pound (GBP).

How much twenty pence in money US?

As of today (01APR2011), 20 pence (British Pound Sterling) is worth about $0.32 in USD.

How much was a groat worth in pre decimal pence?

The groat was a silver coin worth four pence, but it hasn't been produced for circulation since the 1850s.

How much is one guinea worth in pence?

In the old currency, One Guinea was equal to 21 Shillings or One Pound and One Shilling. In the new currency, One Guinea is equal to One Pound and Five Pence.

How much is one British coin worth?

British currency currently in circulation -One pennyTwo penceFive penceTen penceTwenty penceFifty penceOne poundTwo poundsFive Pound coins (occasionally seen in circulation)Five Pound noteTen Pound noteTwenty Pound noteFifty Pound note

How much is 30 pence worth in dollars if 1 pound is equal to 1.9 dollars?

It is 57 cent.

How much is 20 pence worth in America money?

As of January 26, 2009, the British Pound is valued at US$1.395. This means that 20 pence would be worth about 28 US cents.