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A "Cinquefoil" is a five petal flower. It is used in heraldry to indicate "mastery over self".

Cinquefoils are often found on coins as a decoration.

Cinquefoil stops were often used on the edges of some coins, notably the British Crown (Five Shillings), to enclose the Regnal date (usually in Roman numerals) of the King or Queen, most commonly, Queen Victoria's coins.

The VIII within the cinquefoil stops indicate that it is the 8th year of the reign of that particular King or Queen.

A British Crown with a Regnal date of VIII would be an 1844 Queen Victoria Crown coin.

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Q: What does Cinquefoil stops VIII on British coins mean?
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What is the value of an 1844 British Crown?

A British 1844 Crown (Five Shillings)(Star stops VIII), uncirculated and in absolute mint condition could fetch up to £2,500 GBP. If it has been circulated but still in good condition, it might fetch anything from £50 to £925 GBP. A British 1844 Crown (Five Shillings)(Cinquefoil stops VIII), uncirculated and in absolute mint condition could fetch up to £2,500 GBP. If it has been circulated but still in good condition, it might fetch anything from £50 to £925 GBP. A British 1844 Crown (Five Shillings)(Mistruck edge lettering), circulated but still in good condition, might fetch anything from £80 to £1,250 GBP. A reputable coin dealer will be able to give a more accurate valuation. NOTE - The reverse of these coins is upside down to the obverse. This is normal.

What is the value of a 1936 British Edward VIII Penny?

Assuming you are referring to a British penny, 1936 coins were never issued for Edward VIII, only for George V. Pattern coins were prepared with the 1937 date but they were never struck for general circulation due to Edward's abdication. Since the patterns have never been put on the open market there's no real way to assign a value. A few British colonies such as New Guinea *did* issue Edward VIII coins in 1936. The New Guinea pieces are surprisingly common and retail for less than $4 U.S. Well I can tell you it will go for a high price as they are VERY rare

Why is the bust of British Emperor Edward VII shown without a crown on stamps and coins?

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Is Henry VIII the oldest?

Henry VIII was not the oldest British monarch when he died.

Was this coin made Georgivs V British West Africa 1936 one penny coin?

Yes. George V died in January 1936 but the coins had already been minted. The British West Africa Pennies that were issued and circulated had both George V on the earlier coins, and Edward VIII on the coin issued later.

What is the value of a 1937 George V Penny?

Not enough information to answer - what is the denomination of the coin (1 shilling, 1 penny) and what condition is it in? Whatever it is, such a coin does not exist. King George IV died in 1830.

Which british king abdicated in 1936?

Edward VIII!