Between 5 cents and $3, depending on condition. Next time, if you include more information (the coin's approximate condition, if it is circulated or not, etc.) I can give you a more precise value.
3 cents.
3 cents.
3 cents.
A 1978 Lincoln-Kennedy penny is not considered rare or valuable to collectors and is typically worth face value. A 1946 wheat penny in circulated condition is worth around 10-20 cents, while one in uncirculated condition could be worth a few dollars.
It's worth around 3 cents.
1946 D Lincoln / Wheat Ear Reverse (Wheat Penny) in very fine condition is worth $0.10, uncirculated is worth $2.00.
Not much maybe a dime.
The value of the penny depends on the condition that it is in. However, this penny can be worth 1 dollar up to 7 dollars.
1946 isn't rare. It's worth 3 cents.
One cent.
Face value
A 1942 Canadian half penny is worth $22000 - $50000.Canada does not make half cents. Also, their coins all have the word CANADA on them, so I'm betting you have a British half penny