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That depends on what make and model it is, what condition it's in and how well it was taken care of. If it was regularly cleaned and oiled it will be in better shape. The best way to find out is to take it somewhere and have it looked at for condition and then type the make and model into Google and see what comes up. But remember it all depends if there is someone who wants that particular machine.

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Q: What is the cost of a 1950 swinger sewing machine?
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How much does sewing machine lubricant cost?

Sewing machine lubricant (oil) is usually between $5 and $10, depending on the brand and the size. A small (under 5 oz.) bottle of sewing machine oil at your local sewing supplies store (such as JoAnn's) costs about $4.

What's it cost to get a computerized sewing machine?

They can cost between $120 up to $200 depending on the brand and use

How much did a 1925 Singer sewing machine cost when it first came out?

$100 each

When did Sears begin selling sewing machines and how much did they cost?

The first Sears sewing machine appeared in the catalog in the spring of 1899. The machine sold for 5.95 without a cover and 7.95 with a cover.

How much did a singer sewing machine cost in 1927?

I can't give you monetary figures but it depended the the model of the machine and what cabinet you had it in(or a portable case). These affected the price.

What is the value of a 1960 portable electric sewing machine?

It depends on the quality grade you are looking for. A Singer Quick fix is $59.95 at Target. The hand-held battery-operated one is $10.47 at Walmart. See links below. They also have a couple of higher class ones at Walmart as well.

What's it cost to replace the foot pedal for an old singer sewing machine?

its around $30-50 dollars depending on your model

How much does it cost to get a computer controlled sewing machine?

The buyer could find a cheap one in the $300- $500 range, but for a nicer one expect to pay at least $1,000- $4000. Industrial computer controlled sewing machines can cost up to $60,000.

How much did a sewing machine cost in 1846?

$500 to $600

Is the Singer Confidence sewing machine worth the extra cost when it comes to the number of features?

The Singer Confidence is an extremely versatile sewing machine which is capable of performing many different tasks. There are no other machines which pack so many features into one package, so if you feel as though you'd require the additional flexibility, this machine is still a great bang for your buck.