I have previously read that the medical name for "knuckle" is the interphalangeal joint, but this just refers to the joints of any of the three bones of the fingers (phalanges), being the proximal, medial, and
distal phalanges.
Therefore, the knuckle is the "proximal condyle of the phalanges". This refers to where the metacarpals
(the palm bones) meet the fingers (phalanges).
I am not a medical professional, but due to in-depth investigation as per a past research project, I know virtually every "medical" name (and the many, many synonyms) for features of superficial androtomy (human anatomy), and I've not yet come across a specific one for knuckles.
The dorsal aspect of the flexed metacarpophalangeal joint.
knuckles XD
Bikers Knuckle Its official name is 'unus domus' Bikers Knuckle is a skin condition that is most often caused from excessive griping of a bike handle bars. it can cause irritation to the knuckle and lower finger area. Bikers Knuckle can easily be mistaken for eczema but can become infected and it will become inflamed. Creams are available to treat the irritation and inflammation.
There is no specific anatomical structure known as a "butt knuckle." It may refer to a term used colloquially or humorously, but it does not have a recognized medical or anatomical meaning.
I can have a knuckle in my handshake
What is the small lump on the knuckle on thumb
The first knuckle on your finger is typically considered to be the knuckle closest to your hand, where the finger meets the palm.
I think you mean knuckle dagger, and it's like a knuckle puncher ( bronze knuckle) but it also has a small blade on the edge. Leaf Ninja Out! Sincerely, IchigoKitsune95 Knuckle dragger is an insult; it calls a person an ape.
Yes there is. The bones in the palm of your hand are known as the metacarpals. The next bone runs from the metacarpals to the first knuckle. This bone is known as th proximal phalanx and is joined to the metacarpals by the metacarpophalangeal joint. The bone between the first knuckle and the second knuckle is known as the middle phalanx, and the bone from the seconf knuckle to the tip of your finger is known as the distal phalanx.
Cracking your knuckles does not lead to arthritis, as some people may think. There is no treatment available for cracking your knuckles as it is not a medical condition.
Knuckle Bash was created in 1993.