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Q: What is the value of 1941 1 Anna coin?
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Coin value King Edward vii emporer Anna India 1910 what is the value of this coin please?

A worn coin is worth less than $1.00 USD. Well preserved: $3

How much half Anna 1835 coin price?

The value of an Anna 1835 coin depends on the scarcity and condition of the coin. This coin in good condition has been valued at 60 dollars.

What is value of 1 12 George V King Anna India 1917 coin worth?

i think should be 1000.

What annas India 1903 coin worth?

Depends on the coin and the condition. British India minted 1/12 anna, 1/2 pice, quarter anna, two anna, quarter Rupee and Rupee coins in 1903. Portugese India minted 1/12 Tanga, 1/8 Tanga, 1/4 Tanga, 1/2 tanga, and Rupia coins in 1903. Obviously, the value isn't the same for every type of coin. Be more specific.

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The face value of any coin is what is inscribed on the face of it. The face value of a 1 Penny coin is 1 Penny.

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A 1941 Republique Francaise 50 centimes is worth between 1 and 8 US dollars. The value depends on the condition of the coin.

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What is a 1919 King George V 1 Anna worth?

Between 25 cents and $5, depending on condition. For a more precise value, please include the condition of your coin.

What is the value of a 1941 D Jefferson nickel?

August 9, 2009 The 1941-D Jefferson nickel is considered to be a common coin which means there are many of them in the marketplace and not as many buyers for them. For this reason, circulated coins have a value of only a few cents above face value and the greater value is seen in the uncirculated coin. This particular nickel was minted in Denver, Colorado. Its value depends upon the actual condition of the coin and the circulated and uncirculated values are shown in the following list: Circulated Grades.............1941-D EF40..................................$1 AU55..................................$2 Uncirculated GradesMS60..................................$5 MS63..................................$6 MS64..................................$12 MS65..................................$18 MS66..................................$25 MS67..................................$70

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As of 2-1-10 value is about $16.50 for the coin.

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