A British 1922 sterling silver Maundy Penny (George V)(Proof FDC), uncirculated and in absolute mint condition could fetch up to £18 GBP. If it has been circulated but still in good condition, it might fetch anything up to £8 GBP.
The values quoted are the best possible for the best specimens in their grades, but may be significantly lower due to varying demand for the coin and the prevailing economic climate. A reputable coin dealer will be able to give a more accurate valuation based on inspection of the coin.
A British 1938 sterling silver Maundy Penny (George VI)(Proof FDC), uncirculated and in absolute mint condition could fetch up to £20 GBP.
The values quoted are the best possible for the best specimens in their grades, but may be significantly lower due to varying demand for the coin and the prevailing economic climate. A reputable coin dealer will be able to give a more accurate valuation based on inspection of the coin.
Uncirculated > Up to $120.00.....Circulated > 7.50 to $32.50
British, U.S. or Canadian? Post new question.
Nothing. Modified coins have no collector value.
It's not a penny, it's a threepence coin. In average condition it sells for less than $1. The inscription is heavily abbreviated Latin and appears on all British coins, with variations for the monarch depicted and the then-current political status.
A Penny Farthing was a 19th Century bicycle invented in 1871 by British engineer, James Starley. It was named for the disparate size of the two wheels, the Penny being very much larger than the Farthing.
A Penny Reward - 1922 was released on: USA: 14 May 1922
British predecimal Pennies from 1860 to 1967 were made from bronze. Although the exact percentages of metals used to make up the bronze alloy varied over the years, the 1922 Penny was made from 95% copper, 4% tin and 1% zinc.
Assuming you have a British silver threepence intended for circulation, it is 50% silver and worth about $1 in scrap silver or so if circulated or could be worth about $5-10 if uncirculated.
Between $13 and $230. In the future please include the condition of the coin so I can value it more precisely for you.
The cast of Penny Ante - 1922 includes: Harry Mann
There is no adequate explanation for this, but the reverse of the 1922 British Penny has a very similar, but not identical reverse to the 1927 penny, a coin minted 5 years later. The area of interest seems to be Britannia's index finger which is a little shorter. Many coin catalogues point out that there is a difference, but do not go on to explain it.
Pictures of a specific coin are difficult to come by. Usually you should be able to find one on eBay, but the picture is withdrawn after the coin is sold. All British Pennies from 1911 to 1922 are identical except for the year. See the link below for a 1916 British Penny.