Any rug made in Iran is called Persian and they are named after the city where they have been woven. So a Persian Kashan rug is made in the city of Kashan. Each city or region has its unique pattern, color combination, and style of weave. All other rugs made in India, Pakistan, Turkey, Nepal, and Tibet are called Oriental. Some of these rugs copy Persian patterns and some have their unique characteristics. Both Persian and Oriental rugs are handmade. In order to correctly identify a rug, you will need a few years of experience in this field. If you can distinguish handmade from machine made rugs, you have solved half of the problem. If you are talking about a handmade rug, I would recommend seeking professional advice. I would gladly take a look at some pictures and try to help you with this. I hope this answers your question.
Turkish :)
Iran (previously called Persia) has a population that claims to be Persian and most of the population speaks Farsi.
Tiger --- A kind of domestic cat would be the oriental breeds such as Siamese. Big cats generally do not have long noses.
They are called Turkish people.
They are no towers that Turkish people pray. However, the Turkish Muslim population are using mosques to pray and they are called "camii" in Turkish. They have some kind of towerish constitutions, which are called "minare" in Turkish.
Turkish Delight, Baklava
"It's called "su" in Turkish.
The Peacock throne is called "Takht-i Tāvūs" in Persian. The peacock throne was called Takht-i-murassa in Persian.
Many Oriental temples are called pagodas. In Japan, they may have other names, such as kondo, hondo, butsuden, amidado or hatto.