Basically, no. Felons cannot legally own or possess firearms and that's the answer you should go with, however, here is the answer expounded upon slightly:
Tennessee (and possibly other states) has a law that says if you have possession of a firearm when you aren't supposed to have it, but then have to use it in self defense, you can't be charged with anything. The intent of that was not so that felons could have firearms, but to protect permit holders in case a permit holder accidentally went into a prohibited location but then had to defend himself, he wouldn't get into trouble. However, there was a case about a year ago where a guy, a felon, defended himself with a handgun and wasn't charged, and the local DA specifically referenced that law as the reason he decided not to charge the man with anything. But again, the answer to you question is, felons cannot legally possess firearms. A felon can often have their rights restored, but for information on that, it is best to contact an attorney familiar with the process. As you have a right to restoration/post conviction relief/relief from disabilities, whatever they call it in your state, it can be done without an attorney.
No. Under US Federal law, a convicted felon may not possess a firearm. Possession includes not only ownership, but having control over a firearm- such as having one in your hand. This is a complex legal area that carries severe penalties for getting the answer wrong (5 years in a Federal prison, without probation or parole) Before doing anything along these lines, please seek legal counsel from an attorney.
It is court or police abbreviated 'lingo' meaning Felon In Possession of a Firearm.
5 years and up.
Your "friend" is in BIG trouble. Felon in Possession of a Firearm is a FEDERAL charge and if he is a fugitive from Oregon, both Oregon AND the feds want him, and there is very little doubt that he is in the interstate criminal system.CAUTION TO YOU: YOU too can become involved if you knowingly harbor a fugitive felon, and/or it can be proven that you know of his whereabouts and failed to inform law enforcement.
hell yes you are screwed the thing about that is regardless of where you are @ a gun charge is a very serious charge.the thing to do is get you a good lawyer on the strength of the gun wasn't in your person good luck....something got to be done for us it's a shame that a register sex offender and a Mexican got a better cahnce than us.. \
No. And be VERY careful... even if you are not carrying them, just being in the vicinity of them, riding in a car where there is one, or living in a residence where someone else may own it, places you IN POSSESSION, of it according to court rulings.
Jordan Poss's birth name is Jordan Michael Poss.
Reinhold Poss was born in 1897.
The abbreviation for perhaps is PHP
Alf Poss has written: 'Hinausgeschwommen'
The definition of Poss is 1. possessive 2. possible
Greg Poss was born on 1965-05-06.
Jordan Poss is 5' 10 1/2".