yes, nearly anything can be used for self defense
nope that wood be stupid
obviously to kill faster and self defence
A butterfly can be used for self defence and for show I personally just enjoy flipping one.
Question makes no sense at all. Please re-word and re-submit.
you're supposed to use muay thai for self defence outside of the dojo but they're are people who abuse the art to bully other people. using muay thai on a untrained person can seriously injure them
Because at some point it was a pragmatic system of civilian self-defence, and became tied up in culture and tradition.
It should be clear, then, that comparing defensive gun uses to ..... One point to mention is that comparing the 338,700 self-defense uses of guns.
The word 'manslaughter' is used both in the US and in the UK.However, the legal systems concerning manslaughter and various types of manslaughter differ slightly between the two countries.The laws on manslaughter also differ between some states in the US.For more information, see Related links below.
Yes, manslaughter is a real crime. It is a term used to describe the act of unlawfully killing another person without premeditation or malice aforethought. Manslaughter can be classified as voluntary or involuntary, depending on the circumstances surrounding the killing.
No because johnny was about to get beat up again, so he used self defense
Yes, it can be carried if you fear for your safety and/or at risk and can be used in self defence.