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yes they can. if you can think of an animal it can kill you. it is not likely, but it could happen. if a couple million bats attacked you, you could die from blood loss but this is ridiculous. bats typically don't attack humans anyway

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12y ago

They can actually kill humans and they have. Rabies. Children in Peru have died from rabies. Most of these children who have died were from indigenous tribes and far away from places where they could get vaccinations. The bats will prey on humans because they are losing much of their natural hunting grounds due to the destruction of the rainforest.

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13y ago

All Bats carry deadly diseases, so that means that you can die or rebies from any Bat.

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14y ago

They can give you rabies.

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Q: Can vampire bats kill
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How often do vampire bats kill humans?


Can vampire bats kill a full grown bear?

No vampire bats do not kill their prey, they just suck blood and that's it I will hardly believe that they can kill a full grown bear even in a swarm

Do vampire bats kill animals?

They usually feed from only animals, but they don't generally kill them.

Are vampire bats endagered?

they are not endangered but there are very few because humans kill them

How do vampire bats share their blood meal?

Ideally a vampire would not kill his food source but use it lightly for he/she would be assured of a continuing food source. If however a vampire wishes to create a new vampire then he would 'kill' his victim slowly assuring that the vampire contagin was in effect when the person died.

Does anything eat vampire bats?

Yes!! They have two Hawks and Eagles and Paper

Why are vampire bats endangered?

vampire bats are dangerous because they carry a disease called rabbis. But, vampire bats hardly ever attack humans, because apparently they do not like the taste of human blood. just be careful if you're on vacation, and that is where you may come near a vampire bat.

Are vampire bats mega bats?

No. Vampire bats are microchiroptera (micro bats).

Do bats have any predators?

yes, vampire bats have a few predators. they are eagles, hawks, and some farmers kill them because they can carry diseases.

Are vampire bats amphibions?

No. Vampire bats are mammals.

Why are vampire bats in Romania?

Romania has not vampire bats.

Do vampires bats kill their prey?

There are three species of "vampire" bat. The common vampire bat feeds mostly on the blood of mammals significantly larger than itself, and is unlikely to kill its prey. The white-winged vampire bat, which prefers the blood of birds, might well kill its prey in the process.