Batista is on Smackdown VS Raw, Smackdown VS Raw 2008, Smackdown VS Raw 2007 Smackdown VS Raw 2009, Smackdown VS Raw 2010 and will be in Smackdown VS RAW 2011 and so on...
he is in SmackDown vs Raw 2009,Smackdown vs Raw 2010 and the smackdown games some of them
Layla is on SmackDown vs Raw 2009, and is downloadable on SmackDown vs Raw 2011.
Yes!Hornsoggle Will be on smackdown vs raw 2011 because he is on raw and there is two teems.[Smackdown and Raw.]
He's from Smackdown
Smackdown vs. Raw is not availble for PC.
There Is No Such Thing As SmackDown Vs. Raw 2003. The First SmackDown Vs. Raw Game Was Made In 2005.
At Gamestop, Smackdown!: Here Comes the Pain is $4.99, Smackdown vs. Raw 2008 is $9.99, and Smackdown vs. Raw 2010 is around $20, depending on the system.
Smackdown vs. Raw
Smackdown vs raw 2010 does.