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They put a special kind of make up on the wrestlers so it looks like the have real blood no its fake blood ---- To make your own fake blood, here are some other methods depending on the type of blood you need (use amounts/proportions according to eye):

Fresh or spurting blood from arteries or flowing from capillaries (like when you cut your finger) is bright red because it has its hemoglobin carrying lots of oxygen in it and that makes it more red. Make it by mixing red food coloring in white (clear) corn syrup.

Old pooled blood gets thicker and darker. Make it by mixing the red food coloring in the corn syrup and then add chocolate syrup.

Older blood that is spattered or not pooled is a little thinner than pooled and thickened blood, so make that mixture as above with the chocolate syrup and then add a little water to thin it.

Fresh flowing blood from veins has less oxygen than arterial blood and it is also carrying some wastes from the body's cells that make it darker. But, it is not blue like is often incorrectly indicated, even sometimes in school. It is darker red but it is a "cooler" shade of red, and that can be made using some blue in the mix. Make it like the pooled blood with food coloring, corn syrup, chocolate syrup and then a small amount of liquid detergent (like dish washing liquid) that is a blue color just to get a glossy darker dirty red.

But, when you add the detergent, you can't use it for blood to come out of your mouth, so instead of the detergent, when you want to have the blood come from your mouth or be on your face, use honey. So what you'll have in your mouth is corn syrup, honey, food coloring and chocolate syrup.

To make alien blood that is green or blue, just substitute the green or blue food colorings for the red.

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10y ago

this blood is not fake also they dont use razors when they get pushed into the barbed wire they made the sharp spots curved so they get stuck and it hooks into your skin and cant get out thus causes bleedeing

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14y ago

You put him in a casket which has a whole in it

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Q: Do wrestlers use real or fake blood?
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Do pro wrestlers really bleed?

.Yes they really bleed and NO they do not use fake blood!!

Do the WWE wrestlers really bleed?

if you acutely need to look at this you must be stupid because wrestling is fake so its fake blood May 2010 no that must be you because WWe doesn't use fake blood! Never has never will it is real and if you think the moves they do is fake then you have never been in a match.

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It's not real they use mainly Vimto

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good question=) many different ways actually. they eiter cut them selves (yes they aren't EMO) or they get given fake blood. there is a clip on you tube wen mr kennady use fake blood in a match with undertaker

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They use fake blood like in any other action movie.

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now they use blood patches on their skin that u can't see but in the 70's 80's and early 90's they didn't have blood patches no they dont use fake blood and it dosent hurt because it is a little cut

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They used animal blood because they wanted it to look realistic. They didn't use paint because the peasant would be able to telll that it wasn't real blood.

is blood in pro wrestling real?

== == In some cases they use small razors that are handed off to them by a referee or anyone else they get close to that works with the act (such as announcers). In other cases, they can also be handed off blood capsules. Small capsules that break into red gushy blood. Simply smashing it across your forehead works. It is real when wrestlers bleed. They rarely use fake blood (there are obvious exceptions, such as Gangrel's "blood baths," in which his opponents have gallons of blood-like substance dumped on them) in matches. The most common way for wrestlers to make themselves bleed is to keep a razor blade taped up on their wrists, hands, or fingertips, which is then exposed when it's time for them to cut themselves. When a wrestler cuts himself it is called "blading," and when he then bleeds it is called "juicing." These occur when a wrestler's opponent has landed a supposedly devastating move on him. He will quickly cut himself across the forehead, which will produce enough blood to give him a convincingly battered appearance. They almost never cut themselves anywhere else, as doing so would be extremely dangerous. Wrestlers also, occasionally, bleed from actual contact. They try to pull their punches, but they really do hit each other, and accidents happen. This way of bleeding is known as "hardway," and we're pretty sure it's less than popular among the wrestlers. They cut themsrlfs with a razor blade. But when they bleed from the mouth, they use blood capsules. indeed they do since most wrestlers don't have AIDs. Wrestling is about 60% fake - but i still love it. They don't use blood packs - they cut themselves with a razor when they're lying down on the canvas. The blood is not fake they cut them selfs.they have rasor blades and cut them wrestling books and it says it!! Wrestling is fake but they do really get hurt sometimes they really get hurt the razores are on the sports tape the tape there hands up with The blood in wrestling is not real it is artificial blood that you can spray from a bottle or make using paint or Kool-Aid.

Does Google use real pigeons?

no that is all fake

Is the blood in pro wrestling real?

== == In some cases they use small razors that are handed off to them by a referee or anyone else they get close to that works with the act (such as announcers). In other cases, they can also be handed off blood capsules. Small capsules that break into red gushy blood. Simply smashing it across your forehead works. It is real when wrestlers bleed. They rarely use fake blood (there are obvious exceptions, such as Gangrel's "blood baths," in which his opponents have gallons of blood-like substance dumped on them) in matches. The most common way for wrestlers to make themselves bleed is to keep a razor blade taped up on their wrists, hands, or fingertips, which is then exposed when it's time for them to cut themselves. When a wrestler cuts himself it is called "blading," and when he then bleeds it is called "juicing." These occur when a wrestler's opponent has landed a supposedly devastating move on him. He will quickly cut himself across the forehead, which will produce enough blood to give him a convincingly battered appearance. They almost never cut themselves anywhere else, as doing so would be extremely dangerous. Wrestlers also, occasionally, bleed from actual contact. They try to pull their punches, but they really do hit each other, and accidents happen. This way of bleeding is known as "hardway," and we're pretty sure it's less than popular among the wrestlers. They cut themsrlfs with a razor blade. But when they bleed from the mouth, they use blood capsules. indeed they do since most wrestlers don't have AIDs. Wrestling is about 60% fake - but i still love it. They don't use blood packs - they cut themselves with a razor when they're lying down on the canvas. The blood is not fake they cut them selfs.they have rasor blades and cut them wrestling books and it says it!! Wrestling is fake but they do really get hurt sometimes they really get hurt the razores are on the sports tape the tape there hands up with The blood in wrestling is not real it is artificial blood that you can spray from a bottle or make using paint or kool-aid.

Can you use canola oil to make fake blood?

Unfortanately no.

When you do a movie do you use a real phone number or a fake one?

Always fake. You could be sued for using a real number. Most films use 555 prefixes because that one is not used in real life.