You can 'Irish Whip' them by pushing Z+C.
It is unavalible for wii
I have it on wii but I have won a few of these matches I think I remember that u have to do a strong grapple then on wii u repetedly press the directional buttons remember that is for wii only try some other combinations and u hav to have the fire at 500 degrees u hav to beat them up quite a bit aswell
Yes, there is wwe store in WWE Smackdown! vs Raw 2008 Wii.
Go to create a move-set a giv him spear for finsher
yes it is on the wii
an inferno match is a match in which the ring is surrounded with fire and in order to win you must light your opponent on fire. On a wii, you have to get the temp to 500 by beating the crap out of your opponent, then pick him up by holding C. then grapple him with B + Z and hold, + move the joystick on the nunchuck. then it will make you throw him over and he will catch on fire. (P.S., in the victory scene, some guy comes with a fire extinguisher and puts out the fire on your opponent, XD)
You just click on WWE Shop
press B and control stick toward opponent to grapple.. no idea what button combinations to use to get the moves i want thereafter though.
in the plaza go to the wii mote icon the select the wii mote. then drag and drop