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Q: How do you unlock ministry undertaker?
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Related questions

What is the undertaker's ministry song called?

its called ministry

Which Undertaker persona is the most popular among fans?

ministry ministry The Ministry of Darkness.

Will the undertaker come back with the ministry of darkness?

No. The Undertaker will retire in the next 2 years

Will the undertaker return with the ministry?

I highly doubt that he will return with the ministry although those were the best times of the undertaker apart from the American badass the undertaker is retiring soon and i think he will retire as he is now the deadman by himself. REST_IN_PEACE :)

How do you unlock hornswoggle as manager?

On the Undertaker's Road To Wrestlemania

Who formulates the monetary policy in India?

Finance ministry

Is The Undertaker's Ministry of Darkness going to reunite?

I really wanted to see all of Undertaker's men come back and reunite as the ministry of darkness. I highly doubt it though. First of all, Undertaker is face and i dont know how they will make the ministry a ''good guys'' team. Second, a lot of his men either are fired or have completely new gimmicks. It will be hard and will take a while to make the ministry out of new superstars. The only remaining ministry members are Edge & Christian,possibly Big Daddy V and the A.P.A. It would really be nice though to see the ministry get together one last time. I wish it would happen but it ain't going to!

When Did Undertaker start the Ministry of Darkness?

The Undertaker debuted the Ministy of Darkness in 1999, at the Royal Rumble pay per view. 1999

Did the Undertaker ever get booed?

Yes. When he was a heel. For example when he was doing the Ministry stuff back in the Attitude Era.

Can you unlock American Bad Ass Undertaker on Smackdown vs raw 2010?


How do you unlock masked Kane on svr11?

in Vs. Undertaker part of Road to Wrestlemania

What accomplishment did Randy Orton get?

Randy orton vs resurrected ministry of darkness the undertaker on may 4 2012