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you cant do that, only on ps3 or 360

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Q: How do you upload music onto Smackdown vs Raw 2010 for the PS2?
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You can plug the device into the USB port and download the music

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you put in the CD or drag and drop music files or you can buy it off of itunes

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You need iTunes to upload music onto your iPod.

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The only music you can get is played by KK Slider in the museum cafe.

How do you put music onto smackdown vs raw 2009 ps2?

You can't only on xbox 360 or ps3

How do you upload music that isn't iTunes onto iPhone 6?

If the music is on your computer, you can import it into iTunes and sync it on your phone, even if the music was not originally from iTunes.

Is it easy to upload music onto a mp3 player?

If you have an iPod, then it is the easiest. You can drag and drop audio files into iTunes, and it will automatically take and upload it. You can also just buy music on iTunes, and on most mp3 players, you can do it on the go.

How do you put music onto smackdown vs. raw 2009 for the wii?

i have it for wii too. i don't think you can. maybe on wifi.

How do you get into smackdown?

to get onto smackdown you must train to become a wrestler then get an interview with vice mcmahn and ask to apply for smackdown