Naruto Shippuuden 168
Naruto has ended, but Naruto Shippuden is still ongoing :)
There is no such character on Naruto.
It has been quite a while but she hasn't really been able to confess 'cause she has had a crush on sasuke so long she hadn't needed to really show she loved Naruto.
Refer to the question "What is Naruto?"
naruto will be on disneyxd in october
Naruto duhh why do you think the show is named naruto? stupid. Actually,I did a scan on searches and turns out sasuke is searched more than naruto.
Naruto rpc is not a show, Naruto rpc's are Naruto pictures that are edited. Like I have Naruto rpc's on my photobucket It shows pictures that are edited to make a new character.
No, you probably can not be on the show.
naruto is very strong he is the strongest in the naruto world
right now as naruto is being trained by jiraiya and sakura by tsunade they really can't have a naruto show without the main character naruto so between the time skip of naruto's training they are turning naruto shippuden(when they are older) into English
I personally LOVE NARUTO its the best show ever that's just my opinion i love it