A system in which several major and many lesser parties exist, seriously compete for, and actually win, public offices.
18 party
Yes it is. Example: Party: I am having a party on Saturday. Example: Parties: My cousin has many parties during the year.
Several. There are of course the Republican and Democrat parties but also the Libertarian party, Constitution Party, the Green Party and also several other Independent parties.
Labour Party Conservative Party Scottish National Party - (SNP)
There are many influential minority parties within the United States government system. Two examples of these minor parties include the green party and the independent party.
There are probably too many to count. The two main parties are the Congress Party and the Bharatiya Janata Party. There are hundreds of smaller parties at the Union and state levels.
There are many. Here are the main 4. S.N.P. (Scottish National Party), Labour Party, Liberal Democratic Party and the Conservitive Party. There is also the Green Party and the Scottish Socialist Party.
The Canadian Government is made of of many different policital parties. The current make up of the government inlcudes the Conservative party, the Libral party, the New Democratic party, and the Bloc Quebecouis party. There are many other registered parties in Canada such as the Green party, Comunist party and Marxist party. It is also possible to be elected as an independant.
The Canadian Government is made of of many different policital parties. The current make up of the government inlcudes the Conservative party, the Libral party, the New Democratic party, and the Bloc Quebecouis party. There are many other registered parties in Canada such as the Green party, Comunist party and Marxist party. It is also possible to be elected as an independant.
There are 11 pop party's.
In the European Country of Switzerland there are many political parties that have a large presence involvement in the elections. There are 5 main parties they are Free Democratic Party, Social Democratic Party, Christian Democratic Party, Swiss People's Party, and Conservative Democratic Party of Switzerland.