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Modern fighter jets vary a lot in weight, range and speed. Fuselage (body ) weights can range from the Northrop F-5 Tiger flown by many air forces in the world at an empty weight of 9,500 pounds, up to typical medium all weather fighters like the F/A -18 at 23,000 pounds or the F-15 at 28,000 pounds. -Possibly the heaviest was the mighty F-14 Tomcat, flown by the US Navy starting with empty weight of 43,000 pounds. - (Empty body weight means no fuel, weapons or crew.)

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βˆ™ 12y ago
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βˆ™ 13y ago

It depends on the fighter jet. An F16 dry gross weight (just the structure and engines, without fuel and ammunition) weighs 18,900 lbs (8,570 kg). Loaded, it weighs 26,500 lbs (12,000 kg).

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How much does a fighter jet weigh?

Short answer: it depends on which one you're talking about.The F-5 (a light fighter) weighs about 4,500 kg empty (7,000 kg loaded) while the F-15 is 12,700 kg empty (and 20,000 loaded).Most fighter aircraft weigh around 11-12 metric tons when empty or about 16-20t when fully loaded.

HOW much does a brand-new F-16 fighter jet costs?

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How much does 1 airplane weigh?

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