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No, everything between Kane and Lita was 100% completely staged. Lita was with Matt Hardy at the time, in real life and in storyline. A while after this storyline finished, Lita and Matt fell out (in real life) and she started seeing Edge/Adam Copeland. They used this real life drama in their storyline. In the Hardy Boyz DVD Matt Hardy said some of his and Edge's matches were very real although scripted.

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She might be because Kane is really protecting Lita.

Well its basically a 50/50. take one side she was forced to marry Kane and on the other he saved her from snitsky breaking litas neck

Are you for real, she is not into Kane, edge is the man for her.

i think so because when snicky tried breaking her neck she was scared but she gave a small smile to Kane

The marriage itself was fake and there is no real love or marriage at all.It was done to entertain the fans.

I'm pretty sure she's still dating Matt, who was released today 04-12-05, but no word as to marrying Kane, check for updates on, which is not my site, but as to my opinion, no.

In the plot line she is, in real life no she loves Matt

Acually, Lita cheated on Matt with Adam Copeland (Edge), then one of Matt's friends wrote the whole thing on the internet, this caused Matt's release, I believe the WWE handled this very poorly, not only did his long-term girlfriend cheat on him, but he also gets released.

No its probaly just entertaiment if i was Lita i would Mary Matt Hardy or Jeff Hardy lol but that's just me Team Extreme RULES.

NO,she will decive him

lita is never gonna love Kane she still loves Matt hardy remember in the wedding she said i will always love Matt hardy

lita just turned her back on Kane and hepled edge win the goldrush compotion

Lita doesnt REALLY love Kane its just one of WWE's sope apra story lines. In real life,Lita was cheating on Matt with Edge while Matt was rehabing his knee. Bcuz WWE was afraid of what might happen if Matt,Edge,and Lita where all working 2gether they fired the least important person at the time, Matt Hardy.He was the least important person bcuz at the time edge was a contender for the world title, and Lita was a contendar for the womens title.

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14y ago

No,it was just a storyline.

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No,it was just a storyline

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No it was just a storyline.

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Q: Is Kane in love with Lita?
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Do lita and Kane love each other?

Not in real life. It was just a storyline.

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It was all fake. Lita and Glenn "Kane" Jacobs was never in a relationship, and lita was never prego by him.

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Lita never had a baby

Why lita breake up with edge?

Kane took Lita and convinced her to sleep with him, in exchange, Edge would not be beaten to a pulp. This eventually led to the pregnancy angle, the wedding, Kane's turn, and the death of the baby via Snitski's "it wasn't my fault" angle. nononono lita went out with Matt and Kane kidnapped lita because Kane loved her and lita pretended to love him and evantually Kane forces lita to marry him but she hated him and still loved Matt and Matt proposes to lita and she says yes but matts best friend edge started going out with lita and then Matt finds out he staryts hating edge and falls out with lita so lita starts going out with edge and tehy get married and Kane gets really mad and tortures lita and edge and then like 1 or 2 years later edge and lita break up and edge stays in wwe but lita leaves there is the real thing that happened i should know i watch it ohh and lita becomes pregnant to Kane and pretends to Matt it is his and the baby died because snitsky and Kane where having a match and lita came to ringside and went in the way of the match and Kane walked over to her and was talking to her when snitsky came up behind Kane and smacked Kane over the back with a steelchair and Kane lands on top of lita and she gets rushed to hospital. oh and edge wasnt going out with lita at thepregnancy point so get your facts right and you ovissley don't know hardly anything about wwe

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well that's reallly complicated because Matt hardy asked lita to marry him but then him and Kane wrestled for her heart and Kane won but the baby lita was impregnated with was kanes but she wasnt positive whos it was . after 1 and a half year edge and lita started dating so Kane and lita got a divorce and 3 weeks later lita married edge

Did Kane and Lita kiss?

No she is not.If she was kanes brother the undertaker would have been very angry