No....akamaru is still well and alive...........
D ==
Kiba's canine pet Akamaru is listed as having the same birthday as Kiba (July 7).
Akamaru is awesome But he cannot beat Naruto because Naruto can cast a wider range of jutsu.
Food Pills
when kibas mum taked him in to a meadow like Field kiba met akamaru kibas mum then gave an intro and that's how they met
He was infected by a shinobi
Unfortunately akamaru is part of the character kiba and only sits on top of his head the whole time. If you want to add me on pockie ninja my name is KibaShiba
I dont know! go and ask him was he likes
He's a dog in the Anime Naruto/Naruto Shippuden. Akamaru is named after Masashi Kishimoto's 1st weekly Manga volume, Akamaru Jump, where Naruto made it's 1st appeal. And his 1st Manga, Karakuri ,was what lead to Naruto/Naruto Shippuden. Karakuri had the art of Naruto/Naruto Shippuden, and the storyline to the storyboard. So Akamaru is a dog that's named after the 1st anniversary of Naruto Volume 1 weekly Manga, Akamaru Jump
Kiba only has one sibling and that's Hana. She is a vet and often helps Kiba heal Akamaru. She isn't shown a lot but recently she was featured in a couple episodes when Akamaru goes mad.