Yes Randy orton and John cena are brother Because in a video they saw that they were Fighting together and after they won They were like looking at each other Curious and suspicious so yes they are Brothers
John Cena doesn't but Randy Orton does
Only randy Orton is married . John Cena is unmarried.
how many time john cena beat randy orton i love to randy freind with john cena
randy orton is better john cena is also good but randy is better
Randy And Cena are best friends and have been since their day at Ohio Valley. why randy orton and John Cena are fighting?
Randy Orton
cena 33 orton 29
Randy Orton is married and has a daughter and john cena is apparantly engaged
Maybe John Cena
John Cena by far but I prefer randy to john
randy orton is sexier ....john cena is cuter . if that doesn't answer it for you than i can't help you