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Q: Is karma real or fake
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Related questions

Is karma real or a myth?

karma is not a myth it is real

How do you get bad karma on stick rpg2?

by a lot of fake ids.

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What is karma real name?

Karma? Is the belief if you do good things good things will happen to you. What do you mean what's it real name?

How do you get -900 bad karma in stick rpg 2?

You would need to buy alot of fake id's or do jobs that give you bad karma

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Mermaid real or fake?

Fake, not real.

How do you get all of the weapons in stick RPG 2?

simple first get all your karma to a great deal of + karma then do the officer jobs till its maxed out to get the combat shotgun. after that do all the evil jobs (buy fake id's to get -karma) to get the rest also xgen studio (not real one irl but in the game) gives the best sword after all these are done buy the rest

What is the sign of karma?

The real 'Wheel of Fortune'

Is amerie real or fake?

no she"s real not fake she is a singer

Are guns real or fake?

There are both real and fake guns.

Are don't read this posts real?

if you think it is real, then it is real if you think it is fake, then it is fake