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Q: Is make two people fight an onomatopoeia?
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What is a fight between two people called?

A duel is a fight between two people

What is a sword fight between two people called?

A duel is a fight between two people

Onomatopoeia in a sentence?

I wrote an onomatopoeia in my sentence with two breif and complicated sounds.

A report of a fight between two people in the passive form?

A fight between two people was reported.

A sport port in which two people fight each other?

a sport in which two people fight each other

It takes two to make a quarrel?

the quote "It takes two to make a quarrel" means that if someone is trying to get in a fight with you and you dont answer then there wont be a fight. if you do answer then there will be a fight.:) if you dont want to get in a fight then you dont have to answer them and then they will just leave!!!!:)

A combat between two people?


What is a combat between two people?

a fight

What is a hand-to-hand fight?

This is a fight absent of weapons. No guns. No knives. Usually, the term is used to indicate a fight between two people, although one could make the case for one baseball team breaking out into a hand-to-hand fight with another.

How many people fight a duel?

Two traditionally

Do more than two people fight in boxing?


How to stop a fight in Neopets?

You mean a fight between two people? Report them, or just ignore it.