they do punch for real if they punched and it was fake there wouldn't be the wwe. only the acting parts are fake though.
No. WWE Wrestling is not real fighting. So, they do not punch as hard as they can. They typically fight with one another in a way that neither fighter is really or seriously injured in real life. They are trained to beat up one another in a way that looks real but the amount of damage they inflict on one another is only a fraction of what would happen if they fought one another for real.
well wwe is fake because they have scrpited besides how the heck they get up so fast after the person punch you in the face.....if you werstle in real life now thats real
wwe is real
No, none of the WWE wrestlers feature an entrance theme by the band Five Finger Death Punch.
no its all fake ,but is interesting
yes wwe is real but matches are allredy fixed
no . WWE is fixed.
WWE is sometimes real but most of the time it is fake
wwe isnt real, it is scripted on match's but championship match's ive been a wwe super star for about a year now, i know that wwe is scripted the moves are hard thats why they bleed sometimes the ref drops fake blood on them, but the fact is that WWE might be real?. WWE is scripted. WWE might not be real.WWF is sued no more of that .WWE isnt real AT ALLL
The wwe superstars real jobs are wrestling.