Yes, Sara passed away Sept. 21, 2009.
no menta
no, she should be around 35 now but she is not dead!
Sara Calaway was born on July 21, 1977, in Long Beach, California, USA.
an acrostic poem for sara can be s is for special a is for awesome r is for really cool a is for active and that is the awesome acrostic poem for sara
We dont know if Justin Bieber LOVES that name SARA! Butwe really hope that he likes it.But we think that he loves the name Sara!
Hopefully...yeah! otherwise they wouldn't call it DEAD BODIES if it wasnt really DEAD!
The name Sara is a really nice name for a girl and its popular name in different countries and has a nice meaning
yes, Selena is really dead.
Yes, Bradley is really dead.
Dwayne Johnson is not really dead.
It's Really nobodys problem what her number is!