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Does it make sense? Yes, so it's not an idiom. It's a proverb.

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Q: Is the phrase fight fire with fire an idiom?
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This idiom means: you are ready to fight with energy and determination for what you believe in.

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"Ready aim fire" is an example of an idiom, which is a phrase that has a figurative meaning different from its literal meaning. This idiom is often used to encourage someone to take action or to get prepared before acting.

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Can you figure out the meaning by defining the terms? Yes, so it's a phrase instead of an idiom.

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Nothing. The phrase would be "out of the frying pan and into the fire," as in you have jumped out of one bad situation into an even worse one.

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An idiom is a phrase that doesn't make any sense unless you know the idiomatic definition. This phrase means exactly what it looks like, so it's not an idiom.

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An idiom is a phrase that doesn't make any sense unless you know the definition. This phrase makes perfect sense, so it is not an idiom. The room became quiet.

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