I'd say the Nine Tailed Fox is stronger, but not by much.
1000 times larger than naruto as a kid
Nine tailed fox is more stronger than orochimaru. in the reason of orochimaru is just a human and he can never be stronger tha the bijyuu.And also Naruto fought Orochimaru like an equal in 4tail so Orochimaru can only withstand the 4tailed beast and lower but not higher
are you kiddin me, the golden greate ape is way much stronger than that nine tailed fox< the golden greate ape has the Mouth Energy Wave and the fire breath and he is also able to fly, the nine talied fox cant ever fly.
Relatively.It's weaker than a greater demon, but stronger than an imp.
no, sasuke is not stronger than naruto. because of the nine-tailed fox, naruto has more chakra, and is therefore stronger. sasuke can be stronger than naruto, but he is too bent on revenge, naruto can kick sasuke's bottom any day of the week
goku would win because he is a whole lot stronger and faster than naruto would ever be. and he can go super sayin which over powers narutos nine tailed fox state BIGTIME
No,it is not stronger than a nine tail fox
A super saiyan 4 can probably blow up multiple planets at once. Not even nine-tailed fox naruto can do that.
It's difficult to say. Although the Nine Tailed Fox is highly destructive and badly tempered, I'd say Ichigo's final Hollowfied form would win. Ichigo uses soul energy, rather than pure strength. Also since the Nine Tailed Fox Demon doesn't have true ideas in strategy, just uses instincts or "emotions". I'd say, if Ichigo could learn to control himself in his released form he could beat it.
(spoiler) I believe he is now that he's learned sage mode and controlled the nine tailed beast but at the start of shippuden I think Tsunade could still beat Naruto.