The Hawaiian word for "wimp" is "ho'ohiu."
Rick is a wimp when at the dentists office.
WIMP has many expansions: WIMP Weak in Mountain Phase (US Marines, origin of acronym) WiMP Windows Media Player WIMP Weakly Interacting Massive Particles WIMP Windows IIS, MySQL, PHP WIMP Weakly Interactive Massive Particles WIMP Windows Impersonator WIMP Windows, Icons, Menus, Pointing devices WIMP Windows Interface Manipulation Program WIMP Windows, Icons, Mouse, Pull-Down Menu WIMP Winter Institute of Medical Physics WIMP Writing in the Major Project WIMP What If Meteors Prevail (gaming) WIMP Windowed Interface with Mouse Pointer WIMP Wireless Implanted Magnetic-resonance Probe
this kid is a wimp he is scared to go on an airplane
wimp stands for windows,icon,menu and pointer
Shouting, fighting, shagging, Phil doing something bad, Ian being a wimp
WIMP-CD was created on 1990-10-16.
They wimp and cry when they are scared or hurt. They also wimp when they want attention. They bark when they are angry, excited, happy, and when they want attention.
He's with his old gang friends and they start doing bad things, his friends thinks he's a wimp now, so MJ tells his "friends" that he'll show them who's bad.
"Wimp" is a slang term. It means a weak, ineffectual person.
A wimp is someone who is weak, easily manipulated, doesn't stand his ground when he is confronted.