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he might but im not too sure, he siad he wanted to return but dixie carter invited him into a Wrestling shopwdown. Angle said he is much happy, if he will return as the late 2011's.

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Q: Kurt angle ever return to the WWE?
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Will Kurt angle return to the WWE?


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Kurt Angle by William Gartmann

Will Kurt angle ever return to WWE?

I don't think so. He's over 40 years old now.

Who did mick foley wretle in WWE first?

in wwe vince McMahon but ever was Kurt angle and rick flair.(Kurt angle was called the man angle back then)

Did Kurt angle ever beat ric flair?

yes in the wwe Kurt angle defeated ric flair by submission

Who is the best wwe wreslter ever?

Diamond Dallas page and Kurt Angle :)

When will Kurt Angle return to WWE?

no he is on total nonstop action and one of the recent world champions

When is Kurt angle coming back to WWE?

he's making hes return at wrestlemania 26

Will Kurt angle return to WWE in 2011?

I think he will stay with TNA until he retirees from wrestling.

Will Kurt Angle re-join the WWE?

No, Kurt Angle declined the offer to join the WWE. Kurt Angle is currently in Impact Wrestling (formerly TNA).

Will kurt ever return to WWE after losing at bound for glory 2010?

I dont think so. He is currently in TNA and may or may not return to the WWE

Why Kurt angle leave WWE?

Kurt Angle quit WWE because he had no time off and because of health reasons.