you cant do Wrestling you can wrestle but you cant do wrestling it dosent sound rite but yes i think anyone of any age should be able to start wrestling and learn how to kick butt I'm an 11 year old girl and i have been dreaming to be a wrestler since i was born (no litterally i used to sit down with my dad when i was a few months old and watch wrestling) but now i see that some wrestlers have died early probably at the youngest.21!. i dont think i wanna be one >.<.. yes im 14 year old boy and have been dreaming about wrestling all my life you could backyard wrestle,school wrestle or even both but you have to go to wrestling school and also leave a message on my message board my username is wrestling4reel it would be appreciated maybe if u leave me your username(s) i can leave a message on yours also if your bored start a backyard fed with friends i have 1 called anyting goes wrestling are style is hardcore and lucha libre a.k.a high flying u will need about 10-20 people though and a place were u can plan wats gonna happen and whos gonna win also vary up the match types maybe 4 way then a royal rumble then maybe a hardcore single for ur company but remember this ... wrestling4reel
start learning how to sell and do the move now then go in to wrestling school at 18 or 19 but do not rush
75 year old.
No, thats too young. Even if she CAN get pregnant, she should not.
if you want but you should have sprayed them at a younger age.
Started wrestling at 14 years old, freshman year SDHS
definetly before a year.
Your plea should be based on whether or not you are guilty, and not on the age of the warrant.
I believe you should only date at a young age if you're mature.
I see.
yes i think that should be ok. wether or not you should have one before that age well emm... that should be up to your parents.
If they are capable of spending the money on age-appropriate and useful things, then I do not see why a nine-year-old should not have $70.