The only RKO i kno is WWe RKO and it stands 4 Randal Keith Orton
Randiel kaith orton
randy keith orton
The "K" in RKO stands for "Radio". RKO was originally a broadcasting and motion picture production company formed in 1928.
Randal Keith Orton (his full name).
Randal Keith Orton
The "K" in RKO stands for Randy Orton's middle name which is Keith. RKO could also mean randy knock out but i am not so sure about his.
Randy Knock Out
The RKO has many different definitions and can stand for a lot of different things - the most-used term is Ruthless Kicking Orton or even his Initials: Randy Keith Orton. WWE has no real idea what the RKO stands for. The idea of the RKO Name was based on his Name, but this idea has merged with the others.
randy orton of course go rko rko rko rko luv rko
The answer o this question is his name...R.K.O stand for Randall Keith Orton
hey dude rko means----first randy's full name is randy Keith orton....soR-RandyK-KeithO-Orton