I don't know exactley how many wrestlers have taken steroids or who they were but i know that Mr Mcmahon has definatley taken steroids because when he went to court about giving wrestlers steroids he addmitted to taking them himself in the 1980s i also know that chris benoit and Eddie guererro have both died from steroids. Guererro died on the toilet because his veins got clogged up from all the crap that was in the steroids he had taken and Benoit died because he took too many steroids and went mad and killed his wife and son because of it then when he became normal again he realised what he had done and hung himself. Even though lots of wrestlers probably take steroids that doesnt make Wrestling bad i will still love wrestling no matter what
If he does then nobody knows but him. But I don't think he does.
Probably not, however, I don't think anyone knows. But in my opinion, they'll keep making them :)
No one knows how Cleopatra died. All anyone knows is that it was some type of quick acting poison.No one knows how Cleopatra died. All anyone knows is that it was some type of quick acting poison.No one knows how Cleopatra died. All anyone knows is that it was some type of quick acting poison.No one knows how Cleopatra died. All anyone knows is that it was some type of quick acting poison.No one knows how Cleopatra died. All anyone knows is that it was some type of quick acting poison.No one knows how Cleopatra died. All anyone knows is that it was some type of quick acting poison.No one knows how Cleopatra died. All anyone knows is that it was some type of quick acting poison.No one knows how Cleopatra died. All anyone knows is that it was some type of quick acting poison.No one knows how Cleopatra died. All anyone knows is that it was some type of quick acting poison.
An opinion given by a person who knows little about the subject.
Who knows, in Russia public opinion is kept private, if the person with the opinion has any sense.
nobody knows it's 2009 wait till you hear bout it
who knows really? I don't think any do. they would have been found out by now:)
anyone knows this
Victor raises his hand when Mr. Bueller asks if anyone knows French. He admits that he knows some French but is not fluent.
That is under opinion. Nobody knows for certain, because without anyone who witnessed it to say, that would fall under the category of origins, so it cannot be scientifically proven
My opinion... Yes. The world, who knows.