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Q: What are Triple H and shaun micheals called?
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Are shaun micheals and tripple h cousins?

No, they're not.

Who is better shawn micheals or Triple H?

They are both better in different ways.

Info on Triple H?

triple h is the leader of DX along with Shawn micheals is finisher is the pedegree and the spine buster

Is Shawn micheals and Triple H related?

no they are not related but they are close friends

Who is Triple H's partner?

Shawn micheals triple h doesnt have a partner he wont be in the match with legacy he will call the new age outlaws

Is Triple H 's partner last week from raw when he made a phone call Shawn micheals?

no your mom is triple h's partner

Why did Shawn micheals hang up on Triple H?

Becuase he's coming back.

How make dx?

if u mean who makes dx then it is triple h and Shawn micheals

Will there be a match between Triple H and Shawn Micheals?

Not now as Shawn Michaels has retired.

Will dx be together again if Triple H win wwe championship before hbk comes back?

No triple h will become obssesed and attack Micheals

Did x-pac start D-X?

No the original members of DX were Shawn Micheals and Triple H

Is Shawn micheals and Triple H real friends?

yes they are they would be in d generation x if they weren't